Fighting for Employees Across North Carolina

One-on-One Relationship with Clients
Successful Track Record Against Large Corporations

Rich Daugherty is an employment law attorney with expertise in handling work-related disputes. He has successfully litigated against large corporations in federal and state courts across North Carolina. He also negotiates confidential severance agreements and executive exit agreements favorable to his clients.

Legal Services focusing on:

Whether your employment has been wrongfully terminated, you’re in fear of losing your job unlawfully, or you’re stuck in an untenable situation, contact Rich Daugherty.

Rich offers a one-on-one relationship with his clients.  He will stand by your side every step of the way to resolve your case fairly.

Rich represents clients from across North Carolina, including Raleigh, Durham, Wilmington, Greensboro, Winston-Salem, Charlotte, and more.

Contact Rich Daugherty
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Theme: Overlay by Kaira
Chapel Hill, NC