Many employees have the right to work free from discrimination based on religion.  This applies to all aspects of employment such as compensation, promotions, work conditions, and terminations.

Examples of Discrimination

  • Unfavorable treatment due to one’s religious or areligious beliefs
  • Refusing a promotion due to an employee’s religion
  • Imposing different work requirements on employees because of their religion
  • Segregating an employee because of that employee’s religious beliefs
  • Dismissing employees because of their religion
  • Deciding not to hire applicants due to their religion
  • Refusing to recruit, hire, or promote individuals because they practice a religion
  • Refusing to hire because applicant’s name is associated with a particular religion
  • Paying employees less because of their religion
  • Refusing to hire to avoid a religious accommodation


Many employers are also prohibited from harassing employees due to religion.  Harassment is unwelcome treatment that is severe or frequent enough to alter work conditions and create a demeaning atmosphere.

Examples of Harassment

  • Isolation, exclusion, or work interference
  • Undermining authority or span of control
  • Humiliation
  • Threats
  • Slurs or name-calling
  • Sharing derogatory or inappropriate images
  • Inappropriate jokes or gestures
  • Other mistreatment


Many employers are further prohibited from penalizing employees for complaining about or opposing discrimination against themselves or others.  For more information, see Retaliation page.

Religious Accommodations

Some employees are eligible for accommodations to practice their religion in the workplace.  However, employers are not required to take on more than a minimal cost or burden to their business.

Examples of Accommodation

  • Adjustment to a work schedule to allow for a religious practice
  • Leave from work for religious observances
  • Voluntary shift substitutions or swaps
  • Job reassignments
  • Lateral transfers
  • Exceptions to employer rules about dress and grooming
  • Modifications to workplace policies or practices

Protect your Rights

The law sets firm deadlines for reporting discrimination, harassment, and retaliation.  For more information, see article on Religious Discrimination.

If you’ve been subjected to discrimination, contact Rich Daugherty.  Whether your employment has been wrongfully terminated, you’re in fear of losing your job unlawfully, or you’re stuck in an untenable situation, contact Rich.

In addition to litigating cases, Rich negotiates confidential severance agreements and executive exit agreements favorable to his clients.

Rich offers a one-on-one relationship with his clients. He will stand by your side every step of the way to resolve your case fairly.

Rich represents clients from across North Carolina, including Raleigh, Durham, Wilmington, Greensboro, Winston-Salem, Charlotte, and more.

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Theme: Overlay by Kaira
Chapel Hill, NC