NC Employment Attorney Richard Daugherty > FAMILY & MEDICAL LEAVE VIOLATIONS

Employees covered by the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) may take unpaid job-protected time away from work due to their own serious health condition, a family member’s serious health condition, or the arrival of a newborn or adopted child.  These employees may qualify for up to 12 weeks of leave. Leave can also be taken on an intermittent basis - even for just minutes or hours at a time.

Examples of Unlawful Employer Conduct

  • Interfering, restraining, or preventing employees from exercising FMLA rights
  • Denying FMLA benefits to a qualified employee
  • Discouraging an employee from using FMLA leave
  • Penalizing an employee for requesting or using FMLA leave
  • Retaliation for participating in an FMLA investigation or hearing
  • Manipulating work hours to prevent FMLA eligibility
  • Counting FMLA leave as an absence under a "no fault" attendance policy
  • Retaliation for opposing an unlawful activity against another employee
  • Failing to notify employees about FMLA

Protect your Rights

The law sets firm deadlines for reporting FMLA violations.  For more information, see article on FMLA Rights.

If you’ve been subjected to discrimination, contact Rich Daugherty.  Whether your employment has been wrongfully terminated, you’re in fear of losing your job unlawfully, or you’re stuck in an untenable situation, contact Rich.

In addition to litigating cases, Rich negotiates confidential severance agreements and executive exit agreements favorable to his clients.

Rich offers a one-on-one relationship with his clients. He will stand by your side every step of the way to resolve your case fairly.

Rich represents clients from across North Carolina, including Raleigh, Durham, Wilmington, Greensboro, Winston-Salem, Charlotte, and more.

Contact Rich Daugherty
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Theme: Overlay by Kaira
Chapel Hill, NC